This is different from other CM approaches, which require merging a set of files or manually sending a bill of materials to someone who will then list the versions included in your change. 这是有别于其它配置管理方法,其它配置管理方法需要合并一组文件,或手动地将材料单发送给某个人,然后他将会列出你的变更里所包含的版本。
It is important to make a clear distinction between the billing logic that computes the final bill and the billing policies that set guidelines on how to generate a bill. 一定要明确区分账单逻辑和账单策略,账单逻辑计算最终的账单,而账单策略指定如何生成账单。
Republican Sen. Barbara Bailey, who chairs the higher education committee, said she would try to set a hearing for the bill. 高等教育委员会主席、共和党参议员芭芭拉?贝利说她会努力为该议案争取开听证会的机会。
I had got it set up at the bank so that my routine bill is pay automatically. 我在银行办手续,以使我的例行帐单自动拨付。
Stock market is developing rapidly, a uniform market for inter-bank borrowing and lending has been set up, bill discounting market and Treasury bond market have come into being. 建立起了全国统一的银行间拆借市场,初步形成票据贴现市场和国债回购市场。
The Legislative Council has set up a Bills Committee to examine the bill. 立法会已成立法案委员会审议该条例草案。
Unless the endorsement on the date set out in the bill due date, each flow of the transfer should be regarded as bills of exchange on the surface as previously expired. 除非背书上所载之日期在汇票到期日后,每次流通转让应在表面上视为在汇票过期以前所为。
A complete set of clean shipping documents including the bill of lading of the forwarding agency designated by the Buyer. 全套清洁无疵货运单据,包括买方指定的运输公司代理行提单。
Shall I set the telephone bill down as a business cost? 我可以将电话费记为办公费用吗?
A malaria monitoring centre will be set up in Myanmar and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is donating US$ 14 million to the Cambodian and Thai governments to help contain resistant parasites. 一个疟疾监控中心将在缅甸建立,而比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会正在向柬埔寨和泰国政府捐助1400万美元用于帮助控制耐药疟原虫。
This is the film that set the style and started the career of bill plympton. 这套动画竖立了比尔的风格,更开展了他的事业。
The project was set up in2001 with core funding from the Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation. 该项目于2001年建立,核心资金来自比尔和梅林达•盖茨基金会。
Britain's pets are set to get their own "bill of rights". 英国的宠物将拥有自己的权利法案。
3 three originals and three copies of the full set of the clean bill of lading; 3全套可转让的清洁海运提单正本和副本各三份。
Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid. 汇票必需附有结果套版印刷有“货物收清”字样的正本海运提货单,凭指示、空缺违书,并写明“运脚已经付”。
A much-stalled cap-and-trade legislation for greenhouse gases looks set to be re-branded as an energy bill," Kerry-Liberman-Graham ". 一拖再拖的针对温室气体排放的总量控制和交易立法看起来肯定将被重新包装成一项能源法案,即所谓的“克里-利伯曼-葛兰姆法案”。
The US tax authorities want to target "special purpose vehicles" set up by US financial institutions outside the country in partnership with local banks in order to reduce their tax bill. 美国税务机关打算将目标对准美国金融机构在境外与当地银行携手建立的、以降低税务负担为目的的“特殊目的工具”。
Her stature on the world stage, her almost presidential stature, has set her apart, Bill Burns, the top career diplomat at the State Department, tells me. 她在世界舞台上的名望,她几乎像总统般的风采,都使她与众不同,美国国务院顶级职业外交家比尔伯恩斯(BillBurns)对我说。
France's National Assembly is set to take a final vote on a controversial pension reform bill, with President Nicolas Sarkozy hoping it will bring an end to a series of damaging strikes. 法国国会将要就颇具争议的养老金改革法案进行最终投票,总统萨科奇希望借此结束一系列的破坏性罢工。
If you can pay attention to your credit standing, please set your hand to the bill for counterclaim! 你要真是最注重信誉,那就请你在索赔单上签字!
Off we set, with Bill chattering away all the time. 我们出发了,一路上比尔喋喋不休谈个没完。
The form of our bill is set up by the computer, we couldn't provide you the bill of that form. 我们的账单格式是在电脑中设定好的,您要的那种我们提供不了。
Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading, an invoice, and export license, and insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。
I asked for the reason, and he told me that he had set Bill Gates as his example, even through there is only but one Bill Gate in this world, he wanted to be the second. 我说为什么,他说要向比尔·盖茨学习。我说世界上有几个比尔·盖茨,不就一个嘛,他说没关系,他可以成为第二个。
Community supermarket introduce "comprehensive shop" concept, through forming a complete set and eat supply, family bill act on one's behalf, monthly ticket act on one's behalf convenient measure rapidly, and become doing shopping and service center. 社区型超市引入综合店概念,通过配套速食供应、家庭账单代办、月票代办等便利措施,成为社区型购物与服务中心。
The pledge of endorsement is necessary to set up a bill pledge, its purpose is to fulfill the creation of security for a particular debt to ensure that the creditors to achieve debt. 质押背书是设立票据质押的必要条件,其目的是为特定的债务履行设立担保,以保证债权人实现债权。
Almost every school has set up the computer course and encourages the students to use the computer resource provided by the computer room. How to manage the engine room efficiently and make bill strategies adopted by students has become bottleneck of the enthusiasm of students. 目前几乎每个高校都开设了与计算机相关的课程,并鼓励学生利用课余时间使用计算机资源进行学习,但如何对机房进行高效的管理,采取什么策略进行计费已成为制约学生上机积极性的瓶颈。